The Kinship Collaborative
The Kinship Collaborative

Welcome to The Kinship Collaborative

A community of praxis for equity leaders, advocates, truth-tellers & dreamers.

What if you had a private, dedicated space to talk about your equity work?  One where your lived experience & professional expertise were valued?

What might you achieve if you were surrounded by a community of professionals on the same (un)learning journey as you?

And, what if you could find a way to have the impact you desire, despite being isolated and unsupported?

In the Kinship Collaborative, you can have all of that, and more.  

It's where you will find your tribe, build your resilience, deepen your learning, and confidently navigate the path towards meaningful, systemic, organizational change.

Now, as we've seen, online communities are always not very… communitarian.
For many people, they’re literally unsafe. 

That’s why the Kinship Collaborative is a protected space, one where we all share responsibility for maintaining that protection.  This is how we build a genuine community, in good faith, from the ground up. 

Even better, because the Collaborative is built on the Mighty Networks platform, you are not the product.  Instead, you are a co-creator of a community that engages, connects, learns, grows, and celebrates together, in a thoughtful, well-designed way. 

Sounds great, right?

That's because it is.

I am a nerdy-nerd who loves to nerd.

Books are my people, school is my happy place, and I strongly believe that if you want to change the world, there’s no such thing as knowing too much. 

I’m also an INFJ-A, HSP, Gen-X, Type A, Ph.D., who, in 2020, went totally off script and launched the Fictive Kin Equity Lab with virtually no plan whatsoever

What I did have, was a strong drive to change the narrative around “DEI”, and help people better understand what it actually takes to make equity a reality.  The Kinship Collaborative was born from this work.

Over the years, I’ve been in countless environments where people are invited to learn together in a thoughtful, considered community. 

So I know, first-hand, the powerful things that can happen as a result: 

✅ You can easily apply what you’ve learned to difficult, ambiguous, and / or complex contexts. (Which is basically every context these days, amirite?)

🚀 You know how to take a “30,000-foot view” of the subject matter, which is critical for doing impactful and sustainable work. 

👍🏾 Achieving results becomes infinitely more possible, and also feels less risky, because it is mutually-experienced. 

That last part is key: 

Communities allow you to grow and transform in ways that you simply couldn’t if you were on your own.  (And coming from someone who’s 99.99999% introverted, that’s saying a lot.)

Because you'll get to:

👋🏾 Connect with other equity advocates, truth-tellers, dreamers, and storytellers who feel the same way as you.

🗓️ Engage in deep, thoughtful conversations about equity and justice, every week: Member Mondays, Tremendous Tuesdays, WTF Wednesdays... you get the gist.

🎊 Celebrate your wins, big or small.

🤗 Get unconditional support during your challenges.

📘 Deepen your knowledge of the principles that are foundational to your work, so that you can succeed despite the obstacles you may face.

🤩 Share examples of equity work that excites and energizes you, and get the same from the other community members.

💸 Receive discounts on other Fictive Kin Equity Lab programs

➕ And so much more!

Do you have a 3-page TBR list of books about equity / inclusion? Have you actually bought any yet? (If so, have you actually read them?)

Or maybe you've been to a half-day workshop on DEI leadership? (Which maybe wasn't all that useful?)

Or perhaps you've looked into a coaching package or certificate program (which would have cost you or your employer thousands of dollars) because you wanted to improve your DEI practice?


What if you could get the same value offered by those resources, in less time, at a fraction of the cost? 

Even better?

Membership is offered at a sliding scale to reduce financial barriers to access. The graphic below is designed to help you determine which option is right for you.

Image summary: The Kinship Collaborative Sliding Scale. Collaborator - $35 / month: subsidized Founder rate (~50%). Partner - $48 / month: subsidized Founder rate (~25%). Founder - $63 / month: standard membership rate. Activator - $75 / month: increased Founder rate (~20%).

And the best news of all?

You can try out the Collaborative for 14 days, at no cost, regardless of membership level. Choose a plan below to get started. 

Have some questions first? 

No problem! Check out the FAQ, or book a no-obligation call. 🙂